Monday, January 21, 2008

Suzanne Pleshette

We here in flyover are saddened by the passing of Suzanne Pleshette, who pioneered the role of "hot wife of homely stand-up comic" in the Bob Newhart Show during the 1970's.

For young boys of my age (I as 10 years old when the show began and 16 when it ended), Suzanne fulfilled some sort of Mrs. Robinson role as she was the same age as our moms, but much hotter and cooler. Watching her on the Tonight Show (with Johnny Carson, of course), we discovered that she was really cool and capable of keeping up with Johnny wise-crack for wise-crack.

She was also popular in those James Garner-type comedies, playing the wise brunette pal of the ditsy blond. Another reason to prefer MaryAnn, I guess...but you just knew that Suzanne's characters did it, and enjoyed it.

Monday, January 07, 2008


I was listening to NPR tonight and heard a report from New Hampshire, where the last-minute undecideds are now deciding. One woman, who claimed to have made a spreadsheet comparing all the candidates, said that while she was leaning toward Obama, she has decided to support Clinton because we need a candidate with more experience.....

I heard Mrs. Clinton say yesterday that she has 35 years of experience in changing government. Let's recall her elective office experience: 2000, elected Senator from New York. 2006 Re-elected Senator of New York.

Where's the beef?

Where is all this experience she's talking about? I've been wanting change in government for 35 years, also.

Not to be a Hillary-basher here, but being married to the guy who occupies the offices DOES NOT COUNT toward political experience.

It's one thing to stand in the wings and soak up the applause, ma'am, and it's another to jump into the bathtub and pull the hair from the drain.

And, by the way, I voted for YOUR HUSBAND in 1992.

Hillary, I really want to like you, but you must stop with this 'experience' thing. Joe Biden has it. You don't. I'm not saying Obama has it, but what he has is comparable to yours.

By the way, liked the tears today. You don't want the guys bashing because you are a woman, and then you get all emotional on us.

Here's the message you need to send: I'M SMARTER THAN THE OTHER GUYS!!!

And you are. You are so intelligent that may heart pounds when I think of you.